“The Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra delivered another vibrant and polished reading. Music director Andrew Wailes conducted with precision and infectious energy urging the chamber-sized orchestra and 100-strong choir to some stirring renditions of the big choir pieces including the famous ‘Hallelujah’, ‘Glory to God’ and ‘For unto us a child is born’. Wailes favoring brisk tempos made for exciting listening…”– The Age
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir & Orchestra present Handel’s iconic Messiah for the world record 242nd time since 1853. After a long period of lockdowns in Melbourne, join us for a triumphant return to live performance as the RMP returns to its spiritual home at the grand Melbourne Town Hall. Experience the excitement of a live performance of the world’s most-loved oratorio, famous for its sparkling arias, powerful choruses and surging climaxes (including the magnificent Hallelujah! chorus and the equally thrilling Amen! chorus which concludes the work, featuring the power of the RMP Choir and Orchestra, and the mighty Town Hall’s Grand Organ).
Featuring over 100 talented musicians from the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir and Orchestra, the grand Town Hall organ, and a magnificent cast of outstanding soloists, this concert promises to thrill as ever under the direction of Andrew Wailes – widely regarded as one of Australia’s foremost exponents of this great work.
The brilliant and much-loved soprano Jacqueline Porter will be joined by one of Australia’s favourite mezzo-sopranos, Dimity Shepherd. Performing the much-loved tenor solos will be Gramophone award-winning English tenor, Richard Butler. Rounding out a superb cast will be Opera Australia principal baritone, Christopher Hillier.The RMP’s annual performance of this masterpiece is a much-anticipated highlight of Melbourne’s concert calendar. Don’t miss being part of this wonderful musical tradition.
“Wailes made sure that the pace did not slacken… Wailes, who cuts a dapper, self-possessed figure on the podium, showed an impressive compulsion, driving his forces along with insistent power. It is hard to recall when this oratorio has been treated with such attention given to its dramatic potential; no singer – soloist or chorister – was given latitude to generate that fruity and orotund timbre familiar from performances of 20 years ago.” Clive O’Connell (The Age)
Andrew Wailes, conductor
Jacqueline Porter soprano
Dimity Shepherd, mezzo-soprano
Richard Butler, tenor
Christopher Hillier, baritone
Stefan Cassomenos, harpsichord and chamber organ
Andrew Bainbridge, chamber organ and grand organ
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Choir
Royal Melbourne Philharmonic Orchestra
“The long and distinguished career of the Royal Melbourne Philharmonic, suspended during the coronavirus lockdown, was admirably back on track as soon as restrictions eased. With just a few rehearsals available, the RMP Choir combined with the RMP Chamber Orchestra and four superb soloists to produce a memorable performance of their 241st Messiah, continuing an unbroken sequence of annual performances since 1853. Conducted by Andrew Wailes with flair, precision and utmost respect to spiritual expression and tradition, this occasion also marked the 37th Sir Bernard Heinze Memorial Concert… In continuing the RMP tradition, mounting such a high-class visual presentation, and rehearsing with such short preparation time, this achievement will stand the test of time, both for high quality, and as a significant record of unbroken annual performances.” – Classic Melbourne, 2020

ONLINE BOOKINGS: www.rmp.org.au
Note: All A and B Reserve, and Balcony seats can be chosen and reserved online via the RMP website and Trybooking.

This concert sponsored by the City of Melbourne
This event will be run in recognition of all required Covid safety regulations at the time of the concert. Patrons will be required to check-in using a QR code and may be required to demonstrate vaccination status. There will be hand sanitizer and masks provided, appropriate social distancing and density limits will be in place, and in the event of any cancellation, all tickets will be fully refunded.