RMP Management

Royal Melbourne Philharmonic is a not-for-profit, Incorporated Association, with endorsement as an income tax exempt charitable entity and deductible gift recipient status under Subdivision 30-BA and subdivision 50-B of the lncome Tax Assessment Act 1997

The RMP’s committee of management and key staff for 2023 is as follows:

Executive Committee

President  –  Anna Joy Hoffmann

Secretary  Paul McIntyre

Treasurer Kimberly Fabijancic

Artistic Director Andrew Wailes

General Committee

Membership Paul Brand 

Hospitality & Events Marja Barisic

Development and Philanthropy Anna Joy Hoffmann

       General MembersNicholas Grant,  Aleesha Carina, Mark Cotton

RMP Staff

Video Production: Raymond Hoefer (Hofland Music)

       Sound Recording: Dave Wilkinson (Old Skool Audio)

Staging Manager: Rod Scanlon

Front of House Managers: Mark Riley and Sarah Berry

Archivist: Rod Reynolds

Website Consultant:  Jack Barker